Therapy Yoga or Disease Care Yoga
Call +91 9967531905 to book an appointment.
Yoga Therapy aims to make you disease-free by treating you on all levels — physical, mental and emotional. How you feel emotionally directly affects how you feel physically. The therapist understands the emotional cause behind the physical discomfort, then addresses it by providing effective counselling leading to a shift in mindset. The physical problem is also addressed directly through yoga, pranayam and meditative techniques. This way, Therapy Yoga supplements any ongoing or recommended medical treatment protocols by accelerating the recovery process. When the emotional cause is sorted, the physical recovery is that much quicker and more permanent.
Problems like chronic pain, diabetes, anxiety, palpitations, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, weakness, obesity, and much else can be effectively helped through Yoga Therapy and Counselling. The treatment of any and all ailments can be supported with Disease Care Yoga. However, Yoga Therapy should not be used to replace any recommended medical procedures or protocols, but rather used to support other treatments for a more permanent cure.
Before we go into more details, check out what others have to say about Therapy Yoga with Shashi Sarda.
– PM, Career Counsellor
– Rupsha Roy Choudhury, Investment Banker
I had been going for Shashi’s yoga classes for over two years but wasn’t aware she was a yoga counseler. I happened to read one of the testimonials Shashi posted and so I reached out to Shashi for a casual chat to understand more about how yoga therapy worked.
In the first meeting itself, she pretty much zeroed in on some fundamental issues in my thinking, what was blocking me and what amazed me was, that she managed to do this without me giving any specific details about my current life issues. That really convinced me that she could help me navigate my thoughts and reconstruct a new way of thinking that would help me come out of some black holes in my head. Shashi gave me some simple exercises and homework with every session and she regularly followed up on me to make sure I was not slacking. I saw a definite shift in my outlook and it’s been 6 months now, and the mental shift I made with Shashi, has stayed with me and I still apply it when I feel stuck. It, of course, requires hard work and belief from my end but the tools have been really helpful. I would recommend talking to Shashi at any point, for any small or large issues that may be bogging us down, and causing anxiety or general discontentment also. Thanks Shashi and more power to you! :)”
– Priya Nijhara, Marketing Head, Disney Consumer Products
– Titash Roy Choudhury, Senior Manager – Content
Thank you ma’am you’ve touched my life and I hope this attempt of mine helps somebody out there too. Thank you!”
– Veena (name changed)
How sessions with Shashi helped me: The sessions helped me take charge of my life by becoming more aware about my behaviour. I’m now happy with my marriage because I did work on the inside (i.e., within me) without changing anything on the outside. Shashi made me realise how my beliefs about others were ruining my relationships with my husband and other family members. She also made me realise that I have created a difficult situation for myself with my sky-high expectations from others. The ripple effects of Shashi’s sessions have helped me in other areas of my life such as work, my self-image and other mental blocks. Since the start, Shashi’s approach was to take me on a journey where she would guide me and then equip me with all the tools that I could use throughout my life – just like a mom holds her baby’s hands for the first few times when the baby learns to walk and then the mom let’s go when she can see that the baby is good to go on her own. Shashi has helped me reach that point of self-sustainability.”
– Mahima (name changed) has finished her Yoga Counselling sessions , and is now wholeheartedly back in her marriage and much happier than before.
This is not a story because stories are made by imagination.
Friends let me tell you about me I have suffered from a very abusive marriage and I was asked to leave the house immediately this my friends was a 16 year old love story even though my x knew I dont even have a job I was on the verge of collapse and suicidal thoughts started,I had depression, anxiety,zero confidence,fear,palpitations and sweating ,hands shivering I couldn’t hold a pen had running thoughts the list goes on and let me tell you this was only the tip of the ice berg.
I wanted to survive and live a fantastic life.
What happened next changed me completely I had lost the real me because of being constantly put down and abused so in my quest to make it through these tough time is an understatement.
I googled and found yoga central and spoke to a lady and casually asked her if yoga will help me she said come over and take a trial session I liked it and joined after a month she asked me how am I now I said I am ok for an hour only that was yoga time.looking at my condition she said what can I do for you I begged her please save me i didnt know she was also a yoga therapist.
She immediately gave me an appointment.
Now with her therapy something I would say a miracles started happening I thought I am irreparable before.
Now read my last statement carefully,
Within 6 sessions 1 hour each that is in 6 to 7 hours in 5 to 6 sessions she changed me completely now i am perfectly great feeling good about my self all the negative things in my life which was holding me as a prisoner are all gone.
And do you know who this god gifted lady Is she is Ms.Sashi Sarda and I want to give her a billion stars.
She not only a yoga therapist she saves lives and does it with her heart.
I stand to testify yes she does heal you.
Lastly to all my friends out there if you are suffering from depression,anxiety etc, please give yourself a fighting chance HELP is out there. Never give up.
My real feedback about my experience with you right from my heart.
There is more but you will say abhi bahout hogaya.
May god bless you and your family with his choicest of blessing.🙏”
– Sameer (name changed).
– Deepak had a TSH of 67 when he met Shashi. His TSH is now 4.

I just want to give a brief light on what I have experienced after getting in touch with you. So my lifestyle has changed in a better way with the motivation that I got from you. Now I love exercising and don’t take it as a burden as I enjoy doing it. I feel light and happy as I can see the difference in what I was and what I am. You’ve filled my mind with positive energy, which keeps my inner werewolf at bay, and that was much needed for a guy like me.
I’m really thankful to get associated with you. It’s doing wonders to my health.
– Keshav had weight loss issues that were rooted far deeper than just the physical body.
You are a true motivator, a helping hand, solution giver and the list goes on.
You were there when I needed a friend or some one who can understand me. You not just heard me but also helped me understand what exactly is the problem and gave solution to address it. The problems were small but I made them look big and you have helped me to address the root cause of the issue by giving a new direction to my thinking. Thank you for the simple quick techniques that you have given me which works like magic. After following the techniques I am not just more balanced but also I have a feel good factor about my self. Thank you for making my environment around more happy and positive.
Your talks, guidance and immediate access to you helped me come out from my world of negative thinking and understanding that life is above all that and is very beautiful to live.
Thank you once again for the helping hand.
Regards and love
Due to an extensive work life my body had started facing many a health challenges early on, PCOD being one of the major concerns. I had tried allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy and what not, over the last 7years but failed to effectively manage this syndrome.
An year ago I took the first class with Shashi and almost immediately started seeing the changes. Since then, I’m completely off any medication, managing PCOS alongwith the other minor issues like migraine and sciatica only though Yoga! And I credit this 100% to Shashi.
She’s a brilliant teacher with an unbelievable insight into the body and mind of her students.
Besides the physical training, she’s taught me how to calm my mind and look inwards through closed eyes… It’s like I can connect with all my organs, cells and the very being that is me.”
– Samta Nadeem
The human being is a combination of the physical, the mental and the emotional being.
When we suffer from any disease or ailment, we tend to restrict our focus only to the physical discomfort, or sometimes to the mental anguish. People very rarely, if ever, consider the contribution and ramifications of our emotional state toward the disease.
The fact is, what we are thinking and our emotions toward a situation, as well as our reactions due to our feelings toward a situation, are also as important as the physical and mental aspects.
But since we don’t pay attention to all three levels of our being together at any given point of time, our ailments do not get completely healed. We are left with reduced discomfort or periods of feeling better, but we never feel completely disease-free.
The idea behind Disease Care Yoga or Yoga Therapy or Yoga Counseling is to treat you on all three levels so you can completely rid yourself of any ailment.
“Your present situation doesn’t determine where you go; it only determines where you start.”
All problems, ailments or diseases first start with our emotions and feelings, which then affect our mental state. This then proceeds to affect our physical body. Physical manifestation is the beginning of the last stage of the disease. Unfortunately, we notice the problem only when it manifests in the physical body. Furthermore, we try to cure it superficially by working only on the physical being. To cure the disease completely, work needs to be done on all three levels, beginning with changing how we feel about certain things.
Weak roots will not sustain a strong tree. If we work on making the roots strong, the tree will grow stronger as well and blossom.
Consider this simple analogy. Imagine you’re thirsty. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. You don’t know yet that drinking water will quench your thirst and end your discomfort. You continue to suffer, not knowing the solution for your problem (the thirst). Now imagine that someone comes and gives you a glass of water. You drink it and instantly your problem is solved. You understand that the solution to your thirst is drinking water. Now the next time you get thirsty, you won’t suffer or get upset. You will simply get up, go to the water station and drink some water.
This is what Yoga Counselling and Therapy Yoga achieve.
During the therapy yoga sessions, you are made to understand where your water station is and how you can get the water to quench your thirst, thereby making you independent.
Once you know the root cause of your ailment, disease or problem, whatever the amount of discomfort, you will know how to solve it at an emotional, mental and physical level on your own. You will make yourself disease-free on your own, independently.
Therapy Yoga is conducted on appointment basis in private sessions where each individual’s problems are addressed at a personal level to get maximum benefit in as few sessions as possible.
Private consultation by prior appointment only. Call +91 9967531905 to book an appointment.