Yoga Poses for a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep Better with Yoga

As a holistic mind-body practice, we do know that Yoga helps one feel better, less stressed and more relaxed. All these factors contribute to more restful and relaxed sleep for you at night. There are also specific poses that are thought to be beneficial for insomniacs or people who have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. Some experts advise a 10 minute, pre bedtime routine of certain Yoga aasans that can help one sleep better. These are aasanas that help to relax tired muscles, aid digestion and blood flow, calm the mind and relieve tension, both physical and mental, and hence help you sleep better.

Have a bed time routine

Eat dinner early and give your body time to digest food before you go to bed. Before you begin your bedtime Yoga routine, wind down by doing things that you find relaxing, such as turning off the TV, computer and other noise sources in the home. You could also perhaps consider having a cleansing shower, changing into comfortable clothing and turn down the lights. Having such a series of activities leading up to bedtime is beneficial and soothing for everyone, including babies and older kids.

Standing up poses for relaxation

Stand up and then bend forward and down with your head reaching towards your knees and hold the pose before repeating this a few times. Next, place your legs a few feet apart, reach down to your ankles with your hands and bend forward and down with your head reaching about knee level. These stretches help free up muscle tension.

Seated Yoga poses to help relax

Spine TwistIn a seated pose, perform the seated twist. Sit up tall and swivel to your side from the waist and repeat a few times. Still sitting cross legged, bend forward with both your hands flat on the ground in front of you with your palms down. Stretch forward with your palms moving away from the body as far as possible to stretch your spine and your hips.

Other aasans that will help you sleep

Viparitkarni aasanThe Viparitakarni aasan (legs up the wall pose) requires you to lie down on your back and then raise first one and then the other leg up on to the wall. You then place your arms alongside your body, palms facing up. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and regularly while concentrating on loosening and relaxing the body. Not only will you find that your tired feet and ankles are feeling better, the increased blood flow to the brain will also be beneficial.

Child's PoseThe Hastapadasan or the forward bend pose can help to stretch the spinal column and make you feel more limber and relaxed. Similarly the fetal curl pose or Shishuasan also helps stretch weary muscles to bring about a sense of calm and peace. These poses can also help to improve digestion and blood circulation; both of which can help improve overall wellness and hence sleep at night.

Finally, Shavasana or the dead body pose can help by relaxing the entire body and helping the mind empty itself of all thought and strife; lulling you into a resting state and gently to sleep.