Types of Chakras
There are more than 114 chakras in our body. In that, there are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. They are:
- Root chakra or Muladhara
- Spleen chakra or Swadishthana
- Solar plexus chakra or Manipura
- Heart chakra or Anahata
- Throat chakra or Visuddha
- Third eye chakra or Anja
- Crown chakra or Sahasrara
The first three chakras are more physical in nature and termed as the chakras of matter. The last three chakras are the chakras of spirit, and Anahata, the fourth chakra is the connector between matter and spirit.
Opening the Chakras
Chakras play an important role in a human’s well-being. In our body, most of the chakras are not usually opened or overactive, and in fact remain underactive even after opening. If the chakras are blocked, self-realization and satisfaction cannot be achieved. Because of this imbalance, energy cannot flow. So it’s essential to keep the seven main chakras open and aligned. Basically, spiritual path helps a person to start a journey towards Sahasrara from the Muladhara. The invisible energy formed by spiritual well-being keeps us vibrant and healthy. To open the chakras may be perplexing but not so hard when you have awareness of body, mind, soul and spirit, which are intimately connected.
It is located at the perineum, the space between the anal outlet and the genital organ. This chakra is for our basic needs, security and stability. When this chakra is opened, you should feel well-balanced, sensible, stable, safe and fearless. Imbalance of this chakra causes lower back pain, depression, anemia and fatigue.
It is located on the lower abdomen, just above the genital organ. This chakra is mainly for creativity, feelings and sexuality. Allergies, urinary problems and sensuality issues like impotency and frigidity are some problems caused when the spleen chakra is blocked.
It is situated just above the navel, which is the main source for personal power. Blocks in Manipura chakra causes fear of rejection, digestive problems, diabetes, nervousness and poor memory.
As Anahata connects between the chakras of matter and spirit, the fourth chakra acts as a passage between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Imbalance in this chakra creates problems in the heart and immune system.
It resides in the throat region which is responsible for verbal expression and active intelligence. This chakra gets blocked when you lie often, which leads to imbalances in the body like hormonal disorders and mood swings.
It is otherwise called as brow chakra, situated in the forehead. Opening the Anja chakra helps us to develop intuition ability. Block in this chakra causes learning disabilities and sleep disorders.
This spiritual chakra is located at the crown of the head. This divine chakra joins us from individual self to Universal Self, which improves will power and self-realization. When blocked it causes confusion, depression, brain disorders and blood vessel problems.
Indications through Chakras
One should have wakefulness about these chakras to align the body and bring in awareness, and start learning its signals and clues to overcome the imbalance produced by the hormones.
At Yoga Central, by practicing yoga poses like mountain pose, bridge pose, warrior pose and more, and meditating with sounds along with mudras, we help you to open these chakras to keep your body, mind, soul and spirit positive and bright.