What is Bhramari Pranayam?
The word Bhramari comes from the word bhawra, the black Indian bumblebee and the buzzing noise that the creature makes. This is basically a breathing technique that can be performed at anytime, anywhere to derive several benefits. This breathing exercise is practiced in a seated position by shutting the eyes, taking a deep breath, then pressing the index fingers gently upon the cartilage of the ear (the little flap like growth between the ear and the cheek) so that it ‘closes’ the ear opening. Now breathe out making a high pitched humming sound which you will feel reverberating inside your head. Repeat these steps several times and then perform the whole sequence three to four times a day as and when you can. You can also perform Bhramari Pranayam without shutting the ears with your index fingers.
Benefits of Bhramari Pranayam
If you perform this Pranayam, you may find that it instantly eases issues such as a minor headache or could also make you feel better when you’re feeling agitated because of the heat. As you perform Bhramari Pranayam, you will find that your mind becomes calmer and feelings of anxiety and stress seem to reduce. Regularly using these breathing techniques could help in concentrating the mind, which could in turn improve memory and enhance your experience of meditation.
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that Pranayam can help reduce depressive symptoms or symptoms of anxiety and stress related disorders, particularly when used in addition to mainstream therapies. They act as a complementary medicine the helps enhance the impact of medications and other therapies in the case of these diagnoses. There is also some evidence to suggest that those under medication for hypertension (high blood pressure) could benefit from it; that the efficacy of the medication could increase.
While this is a safe and effective exercise for people of all ages – even children, old people and pregnant women – it is important to perform it on a relatively empty stomach and to press gently (not hard) on the ear cartilage flap. In fact it is important to learn the correct technique. It would be best to learn the technique from someone who has the experience to teach a yoga class. As you learn to perform other aasans correctly and incorporate yogic tenets in other areas of your life as well, you will find that doing Bhramari Pranayam enhances those beneficial impacts and acts rather like an anti anxiety pill for your life!