Exercise helps with relaxation
Not just yoga; any type of physical exercise can help to promote relaxation. Exercise is said to produce certain hormones that elevate the mood, improve sleep quality, and even act as a natural pain killer. Plus exercise helps to keep body weight under control, works to lower blood pressure and negative emotions such as anxiety. There is a great feeling of satisfaction and time well spent at the end of a good workout; which also helps bolster the wellness feeling.
Yoga for relaxation
Yoga assists us in becoming relaxed beyond the general relaxation that exercise produces. There are specific yoga aasans that promote feelings of relaxation and help to reduce stress. For most effective stress relief, practice the following in a quiet place where outside noise and gadget sounds are kept to a minimum:
Shavaasan or the corpse pose – It is a deceptively difficult aasan. While lying down in the corpse position may sound like the simplest of things to do, it can be quite difficult because it requires a significant amount of control over the mind. To perform the corpse pose, one is required to lie flat on their back, with the arms stretched out and eyes closed. Will yourself to relax physically. Breathe evenly and deeply and consciously relax your muscles: arms, legs, torso, neck, head, face, abdomen, bottom, everything. Visualize a lovely space where you know you would be happy and at peace. This is recommended as a perfect way to relax before going to sleep.
Meditation – This practice has been proven to help with stress reduction to pain management and even healing. It is also seen to be beneficial for cancer survivors for rehabilitation and improving the mood. Meditation has a calming influence on the mind consistently.
Yog Nidra – This is also referred to as psychic sleep – a deep relaxation practice that slows down the heart beat, rate of respiration and induces a state of deep calm. This is not a yoga aasan; rather it is a state of consciousness. Shavasan can help one reach the state of yoga nidra. Voice guidance is often used for the purposes of attaining yoga nidra.
More than specific yoga poses it is the dedicated and consistent practice of yoga that is beneficial. Performing the poses correctly while using the right posture, accompanied by the correct breathing techniques and not skipping your yoga class, will ensure that you derive the most benefit. Google can be your yoga class finder – use that to locate a yoga class near you with a qualified instructor and attend class regularly. Make sure that you relieve stress and live a happier, more relaxed life.