The mind-body connect and the emotional roots of disease is something I have been studying closely. The more I work with people with various ailments in my Therapy Yoga sessions, the more I discover how emotions and inner energies impact physical health and wellbeing. Do you have negative energies that could be disrupting your life? How do you identify and cleanse yourself of those negative energies?

How to identify negative energy in your life
Ask and answer these questions about yourself (this requires some amount of honesty and self-awareness): Do you complain excessively – about things that happen to you, circumstances outside your control, about people who are against you? Do you find a lot of negative qualities in other people? Do you find yourself spending time with people who always seem to complain and criticize others?
Are you constantly trying to get on top of things but not seeming to manage your time and tasks? Is there disorganization in your life and clutter in your home and workplace? Do you frequently feel overwhelmed and angry about nothing in particular? And be very careful as you answer this one – do you feel that others are responsible for all that is wrong in your life?
Getting rid of negative energy in your life
The first thing you have to do is to stop comparing yourself to others; to stop using the abilities and achievements of others as a barometer for yourself. As a unique person with unique characteristics and abilities, you are your standard and there is no need to feel inadequate or inferior to any other individual in the world.
Secondly you have to take responsibility for your own actions and words. While it is true that there are several things that could be beyond individual control, as an adult, you always have a choice about what to do, what to choose and what to say, when. You choose how you react to people and circumstances. It’s always your choice. It is important to take ownership of one’s own actions honestly and courageously, without trying to find external reasons for the problems in your life.
Carefully segregate factors that are within your control and outside your control. If there are things you cannot do anything about; move on. However, you also need to identify your own power, your inner reserves of strength; develop faith in yourself and your abilities. You will be surprised at the things you are capable of doing if you set your mind to it. To give you an example, I was hesitant about plunging into yoga therapy – who am I to go improving the lives of others, I thought. However, it was with some surprise and delight that I found I was in fact able to help people: improve their health, their fitness and even their relationships.
Thirdly, get rid of the clutter from your life. I don’t mean just superfluous furniture or clothes or objects around your house. I mean that clutter of unnecessary activities that take up precious time. I also mean letting go of anger and grudges that clutter your mind. Limit the amount of time you spend on your phone. Don’t waste time gossiping about others – with friends, or with colleagues. Remember, people around you may not be negative, but their impact on you very well could be. So don’t waste time on what is negative or unnecessary. Simplify and streamline; prioritize the important things in life to manage your time better.
Fourthly, and very importantly, take time out for self-care. That self-care could be in the form of spending time on a favorite hobby, spending time with family or your fitness routine, yoga class and so on. Meditate, nurture your inner self and harness your inner strength to gain the confidence to reach for what you truly want. My Therapy Yoga and Counseling sessions are often oriented towards helping people recognize their own inner strength. With some effort, maybe you can do the same for yourself.