Did you know, an estimated 72% of corporate professionals are prone to heart disease? The punishing working hours, shift work, long commutes, lack of physical activity, and poor diets mean that cardiovascular disease is a common ailment among busy corporate professionals. Eating junk food, not getting enough sleep, and being overweight are known risk factors in not just heart disease but also diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and so on.
The pressures of corporate life
I have often been invited to conduct yoga workshops and programs for various corporate organisations. What I have found is that stress is a constant problem for people not just in the high power positions in companies, but also the middle level professionals, and young people looking to make a mark and progress in an organisation. There are long working hours, deadline pressures, and a sense of competition that pushes professionals to manage with very demanding circumstances.

(Corporate workshops conducted by Shashi Sarda for ONGC, RBS, BNP Paribas, Kalpataru and many other organizations over the years.)
The problem is that most corporate jobs are sedentary, desk jobs that require little to no actual physical activity. While there are demands on the mind, the body remains inactive. In places like Mumbai and other big cities, there is also the problem of the long commute leaving a person drained and further stressed. At the end of the day there is little time or inclination to make and eat a healthy home cooked meal. A late meal and poor quality sleep all contribute to bad health and reduced feeling of well-being.
Why yoga makes sense for busy corporate professionals
Whether it is my regular students or people who attend my workshops, my feedback about yoga from stressed professionals has always been positive. Taking out between half an hour to one hour from their busy day to do yoga is seen to make a world of difference for a number of reasons:
- Practicing yoga regularly is seen to improve blood circulation. This is very important for people with sedentary jobs who spend most of their workday sitting still.
- Regularly doing yoga helps in optimal organ functioning. Proper blood circulation means better oxygenation of the organs and less likelihood of health issues.
- Being overweight is a known risk factor in lifestyle diseases. Yoga helps keep weight under control. It helps build lean muscle, and increases flexibility and strength. This in turn reduces chances of falls and injury, which become more likely later in life.
- Yoga helps kick start the day. People who do yoga regularly, particularly who start the day with yoga, find that they are more energetic, alert, and enjoy better focus through the day. Those in creative fields may find that yoga gets their mental juices flowing.
- I have found that acidity and indigestion are common complaints among busy professionals because of the long hours, stress, and poor eating habits. Yoga helps to combat this as well since many of the poses actually help to massage the digestive system.
- Pranayama in particular is seen to reduce stress. It helps calm the mind down, and promotes relaxation to improve mental and emotional wellness.
- We also see that corporate professionals who do yoga have improved morale because of elevated mood and lower stress levels. This leads to less workplace strife and a better working atmosphere.
- A healthier workforce is a more productive workforce. Yoga can actually be good for the company or organisation as well, since their employees may show better productivity. This also means lower rates of illness, less absenteeism and fewer work days lost.
It is a simple matter of prioritizing one’s health and wellness. While work is undoubtedly important, one cannot compromise with health. It is important to take time out for one’s physical fitness and mental health as well. That is why yoga is the perfect exercise for busy corporate professionals.