Newest Addition to Yoga Central Classes: Iyengar Yoga Chairs

At Yoga central, we’ve been using bricks and belts since the very beginning to help intensify stretches, correct alignments and provide support in otherwise tougher poses. The newest addition to our set of props are Iyengar Yoga Chairs. These can help tremendously in opening up the spine, among other great uses. We will be doing two new chair-assisted yoga poses every Saturday.

Here are some pictures from the first time we used the chairs in our morning yoga classes.

Most of the students at Yoga Central are thoroughly enjoying doing the headstand or Shirshasan with the help of the chairs – an otherwise daunting posture for most. Numerous students who were apprehensive about even attempting the Shirshasan now feel more confident after doing the assisted headstand with the help of the yoga chairs.

There’s so much more you can achieve, so much more you can do, with just the right tools and guidance. Join our morning yoga classes to open up your body and your mind. To live free, to soar, to achieve every health goal you’ve set out for yourself. Your body is capable of so much. Realize its full potential by giving it the right kind of work out, or the way I see it, a work‘in’.