As a mind-body practice that takes care of our all-round well-being, I find that practicing yoga can have a positive impact in the workplace, particularly for team-building activities. As someone that has interacted with corporate personnel and conducted programs, I have observed first-hand how yoga enhances various capabilities. This includes leadership qualities, team building, decision making, conflict resolution and so on, which obviously have positive impacts on team-related activities.

Attitudes of yoga
Yoga is a mind-body discipline that not only helps us physically but also mentally and emotionally. It is a whole lifestyle system that helps us develop the right attitudes in life; attitudes that help us maintain healthy relationships and also maintain emotional equilibrium.
Yoga teaches us humility. As we are connected to the ground via the exercises that our body does, we also learn to be humbler human beings. Several of the poses of yoga are designed to help us set aside ego and pride and foster humility. Yoga also helps foster kindness and compassion. We learn to be fully present in our own bodies, and we become aware of and more accepting of our own limitations. This helps us become less judgmental and more compassionate towards the limitations and failings of others.
A vital element of the yogic lifestyle is to learn detachment. We learn that the material possessions, petty jealousies and anger are not important in the larger scheme of things. We learn not to get bogged down with the small and inconsequential stuff so we can concentrate on what really matters.
These yogic attitudes obviously have a positive impact on workplace dynamics. When a leader has compassion, she is able to get better insight into the behavior of others in a group and is able to find solutions for conflict. We learn not to judge others and/or impute motives, and we also learn not to play favorites. The attitudes of the leader help set the tone, leading to a more positive work environment.

How yoga impacts team-building activities
Yoga is all about learning relaxation techniques to help calm the mind. For a leader this is crucial because this helps him remain calm in stressful situations. Such a leader takes better and quicker decisions and is able to think of creative solutions to problems.
The regular practice of yoga helps a team leader achieve a better head space emotionally. This in turn helps the leader empathize more with team members who may be having difficulties. These difficulties could be personal or interpersonal (issues with other team members), but the leader is better equipped emotionally to deal with and resolve such issues.
These problem solving abilities means that the team members view their leader as capable and trustworthy, which in turn makes him/her more approachable and accessible. Such a leader is more open to talking and listening, not just in delegating and giving instructions. The leader starts to be seen as more receptive, someone people want to talk to; someone who is able to find solutions to problems.
A more balanced, calm team leader is seen as less distant and will be able to develop a good rapport with his team. The team leader becomes proficient at dealing with people of different backgrounds, varied temperaments, abilities and skill sets. At the same time, an effective leader is one who doesn’t take sides or gets too involved. Such a leader maintains a certain detachment, which again is something that yoga teaches.
How best to create a cohesive working unit? How best to utilize the special talents of each individual? These are some of the questions that one can answer better when trained in yoga. These are the questions every good leader should be able to answer.