Bloating literally means a feeling of being overly full or stretched. It is that feeling of pressure or tightness of the abdomen, sometimes a visibly swollen tummy. Bloating can be very uncomfortable, even painful. So why does bloating happen and what can you do about it? Can yoga help to reduce bloating and to prevent it?

Why does bloating happen?
There could be various causes for bloating. It could be digestive issues that produce a lot of gas. Poor digestion or constipation, as well as trapped gas in the gut can result in some very painful bloating. Many of us could be intolerant to certain foods without being aware of it, and this could be causing us to bloat up.
Lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also cause this problem, which we are now seeing more frequently not just in the West but in India as well. For instance, it could be a common food you’re eating that could be making you bloat up. Some people tend to react badly to anything with lactose such as milk, cheese, ice cream and so on. Some people could be intolerant to certain elements in common foods such as onions or garlic, and even some dals and wheat. For some, the culprit could be some types of sugars found in fruit.
There could also be some hormonal conditions that cause bloating. Many women find that bloating is a common symptom of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Water retention in the body will often cause that feeling of swelling and tightness. Often bloating is also the result of weakened muscles as in the case of older women or women who have experienced childbirth. At times, there could be underlying gynecological conditions such as problems with the uterus or the ovaries causing the bloating problem.
A bowel obstruction could also be the reason in some cases. Sudden weight gain can also cause the bloated feeling because of how it impacts normal digestive processes.
How to treat bloating and prevent it
Bloating is very common. An estimated 10% to 25% people experience it now and then. A majority of women experience it before or during their period. The key to easing this common problem is to find out the underlying cause for it. Making lifestyle changes like changing one’s diet, cutting out processed foods, adding more fiber, and exercising regularly can help.
Apart from cutting out foods that cause the problem, one can also try adding some items to the diet. Many find that certain types of herbal teas, antacids, probiotics, isabgol, or nutritional supplements prescribed by a doctor may help to relieve symptoms.
Yoga for bloating
While it is a good idea to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for any bloating issues, yoga can always help in reducing the severity or frequency of symptoms. Physical exercise is known to stimulate the digestive tract and hence relieve the symptoms of bloating. Similarly, certain yoga positions can also help to aid digestion and strengthen the abdominal muscles, primarily Pawanmuktasana (Knee to Chest), Balasana (Child’s Pose), and Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)
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