Yoga and Sports Performance

Yoga Improves Sports Performance

Yoga is not just for girls. Yoga has become a standard part of our culture. Yoga is not just “stretching”; it is geared toward the unique needs of sporting. Combination of yoga, breath work, and flexibility helps to maximize sports performance. Yoga can improve every part of the performance, from endurance to power to speed, while also promoting overall health and wellness.

Benefits of Yoga for sports performance

  • Increases strength and power.
  • Strengthens the muscles that are underused and releases the muscles that are overworked from particular sport.
  • Builds core strength and flexibility.
  • Improves co-ordination, balance and agility.
  • Reduces risk of injury.
  • Enhanced recovery and muscle repair.
  • Activates joint mobility.
  • Contributes to improved cardiovascular fitness and stamina.
  • Increases immune function.

Psychological benefits for boosting performance

  • Reduces anxiety and stress.
  • Lessens mental distractions.
  • Reduces cortisol levels and increases calming hormones.
  • Improves focus.
  • Provides the ability to think more clearly under pressure.
  • Develops self-discipline and determination.

Yoga postures or workout

Many athletes, sports teams, surfers, swimmers, body builders, cyclists, weight lifters, footballers, cricketers, etc. enjoy the benefits of a personal Yoga practice, including enhanced wellbeing and improved sports performance. All forms of postures or movement are vital to health and performance of a sports person.

Standing poses – warrior poses (Virabhadrasana1&2), triangle poses (Uthita Trikonasana), revolved triangle poses (Parivartha trikonasana), legs spread wide and forward bends (Prasarita Padottanasana), extended sideways poses (Parsvottanasana) helps to build leg-strength as well as flexibility in the hips and hamstrings.

Balancing poses – warrior pose 3, tree pose (Vraksasana) and standing hand to foot pose (Utkatasana) increase body awareness, balance and stabilization.

Backward bends – camel pose (Ustrasana), wheel pose (Chakrasana) and half locust pose (Ardha salabhasana) improve respiration, digestion, and elimination.

Forward bends – seated forward bend pose (Paschimottasana) and wide based seated forward bend pose (Upavishta konasana) helps to balance autonomic nervous system.

Inversion – shoulder stand (Sarvangasana), headstand (Sirasana) and handstand poses improve immune function and enhance circulation in legs.

Arm balances – crane pose (Bakasana) and plank pose (Chaturangadhandasana) helps in building core upper-body strength and improve body-awareness.

Twists – seated half spinal twist (Ardha matsyendrasana) and lying spinal twist pose (Natrajasana) improve shoulder-mobility, respiration, digestion, elimination, and health of spine and nervous system.

Yoga as conditioning

When body and mind are controlled through yoga, it becomes easy to build a stronger, leaner and more functional physique. Yoga postures combined with a scientific approach can develop strength, stability and relaxation which prolong the playing career. The aptitude to create a stress-free mind is a substantial benefit of yoga practice. Yoga is a valuable tool in any sporting arena, so adding yoga as a main agenda will ultimately result in a full-spectrum approach to sports conditioning.

Enquire about group and private yoga sessions for sportpersons. Call +91 99675 31905