Anitya Bhavana in Yoga – Recognizing Impermanence

Impermanence of Life

As I have said frequently via this blog, I believe that the practice of yoga should involve the mind and the body; where on the one hand we work towards a fitter body, on the other we try to improve as a person by broadening the mind, attaining clarity of thought and learning empathy. Many spiritual gurus also call Yoga Darshan Shastra; the philosophy to help with what the mind sees. There is the concept of Anitya Bhavana in yoga; a concept that finds place in Jain scriptures as well. Anitya translates into impermanence and refers to all that is transient or ephemeral in our lives.

The significance of Anitya Bhavana

There are certain bhavanas (feelings or emotions) that thinkers speak of as being significant: Anitya Bhavana, Pratipaksha Bhavana, Nispanda Bhava.  Anitya Bhavana is about recognizing the impermanence of all that our lives are made up of. When you are disturbed or unhappy or depressed by what is happening in your life, it helps to step back from our problems and to consider the bigger picture. When everyone seems to be ganging up against you and the whole world seems to be conspiring against you, you need to examine whether this is really so.

If you look at the circumstances around you shorn of their emotional context, are things really so bad? Don’t think of what impact people or occurrences have on your feelings and emotions; rather look at them dispassionately and in isolation. You will then realize that things are really not as bad as they seem. And then when you look beyond this immediate problem, you realize that those same problems are not as enormous or as burdensome as you thought them to be. This too shall pass… this is an important philosophy to learn to live with.

 Recognizing Impermanence

How yoga can help

The self discipline that yoga teaches, the mind training that meditation can impart can help one grasp the concept of anitya bhavana. As you practice yoga regularly, you reap the physical benefits of this. You gradually see your body getting transformed and your health improving. As you practice yoga and meditation more and more, you learn the art of being patient, you learn to have greater control over your feelings/ emotions. That ‘chanchal mann’ or the mind that hops like a butterfly from one to another thought and emotion will also learn to channel its abilities better. You will find that you are able to concentrate better and be more mindful of what you do.

More than anything else, you develop a set of coping mechanisms to help you deal with and go past the stresses and problems in your life. Peace of mind is valuable but elusive. If you can tap into your own ability to find peace within yourself, this can be a very valuable attainment. While you can change your circumstances, there may be many things beyond your control. By recognizing the impermanence of the world around, you will realize that things are bound to change over time and that they need not bother you so much. Meanwhile you can learn to control your mind so that your emotional state is happier and more peaceful.


To learn more about controlling your thoughts and emotions, and being happy no matter what, call Sashi at 9967531905, and come for a free trial yoga class in Bandra west.