10 Reasons Why Men Should Also Do Yoga, Not Just Women

Yoga is seen as something of a women’s pursuit these days. Most yoga classes in Mumbai are usually attended by women (though I must admit I’m seeing more and more men sign up for my classes). However, there are many reasons why men should do yoga. It isn’t just the fact that world renowned yoga experts such as BKS Iyengar and Baba Ramdev are men. It is also not the fact that most of the ancient sages who formulated yoga were men. There are many other reasons why yoga is not just for women.

Reasons Men Should Do Yoga

  1. Yoga reduces stress – Job, business, travel and family pressure can generate significant stress. Yoga helps relax and rejuvenate; studies have shown that it can help to decrease stress and hence stress related diseases.
  2. Yoga increases flexibility – Increased flexibility means a greater range of motion, improved coordination and fewer chances of injuries while doing other types of exercise.
  3. Yoga improves posture – A better posture improves a person’s overall bearing, makes them look taller and fitter and even makes one appear and feel more confident.
  4. Yoga helps build lean muscle and tensile strength – The body benefits on the whole with yoga since it targets all muscle groups. This increases overall strength and endurance as well. Men who work out in the gym, lift weights or pursue other athletic activities can benefit from this. Yoga can help increase lifting strength and performance to improve other types of workouts.
  5. Yoga improves circulation and oxygenation – Since yoga is a whole body workout, it helps to improve circulation to all the organs of the body; helping to keep them working optimally. Since proper breathing techniques are a part of yoga, this is of further benefit. Men who work out may be fit but yoga can help them derive these additional benefits.
  6. Yoga can alleviate some types of chronic pain – Office desk jobs means that many men have musculoskeletal problems, chronic aches and pains. Yoga is known to be especially beneficial for alleviating lower back pain.
  7. Yoga increases mindfulness – Since yoga is a mind-body discipline, it helps to create greater mental awareness. This can lead to more mindful eating and a healthier intake.
  8. Lower medical bills – A study found that people who performed yoga regularly had lower medical issues, had fewer reasons to visit the doctor and spent less money on medical bills.
  9. Yoga increases productivity – Studies have examined how yoga impacts concentration and focus. Since yoga is seen to improve concentration, it can help one think clearly, make better decisions and thereby increase productivity.
  10. Yoga is suitable even for older men or those with mobility issues – Men who have certain medical issues may not be able to perform other more vigorous exercises; particularly high impact exercises. However yoga can be adapted to suit individual requirements and can be made less exacting and strenuous depending upon a person’s age, fitness levels and mobility.

You can find a yoga class close to you; however yoga doesn’t have to be in a class. You can take a yoga class at home or even follow a yoga class video to practice at home.

10 Reasons Men Should Do Yoga