Marathon Running – How Yoga Helps Improve Performance

On the face of it, running long distances seems to have little to do with yoga. However, you may be surprised to know how many marathoners and other endurance athletes swear by yoga. Not only does yoga for runners help in increasing stamina, it helps to tone and strengthen muscle groups and has other benefits.

How endurance athletes benefit from yoga for runners

Many sports and activities that require sustained performance over long periods benefit from yoga. Many athletes and sportspersons involved in marathon running, long distance swimming, cycling, triathlons, rowing, water polo, speed skating and even sports such as wrestling, football, rugby, tennis, basketball, field hockey and figure staking include yoga in their fitness regime and with good reason.

First is the fact that yoga helps build lean muscle and strengthens muscle groups to help lower fatigue and build endurance for long periods. Secondly, since yoga teaches correct breathing techniques, this has an obvious beneficial impact on athletes who require optimal oxygenation for sustained effort. Breath control is one of the key benefits that elite athletes reap from the regular practice of yoga.

Another reason that makes yoga for runners vitally important is that it improves flexibility and balance. This is desirable by and in itself, as well as because it helps prevent falls and injuries. Yoga helps stretch and lengthen muscles, and increases range of motion, preventing stiffness. Preventing injuries is hugely important for elite athletes who perform competitively and rely on being fit and injury free at all times. When injury strikes, yoga can help with the recovery process as well; the stretching of muscles helping to ease pain and speed up healing.

Another way that yoga can help endurance athletes is by improving focus. Some athletes also incorporate meditation into their training and fitness routines to help build concentration and mental endurance. Experts recommend that yoga should be performed after a run, since it helps prevent the muscles from tightening up.  However, many coaches and athletes also recommend yoga before strenuous activity.

Yoga poses for athletes

Some of these yoga aasans are recommended for long distance runners and other endurance athletes:

Utkatasana or the Chair Pose helps strengthen the core, thigh muscles and the buttocks. The twisting chair pose can also be incorporated as a variation of this.

Virabhadrasana or the Warrior Pose and its variations are also recommended for athletes. They help stretch the arm and leg muscles, help improve balance and muscle strength.

Parivrtta Anjaneyasana or the revolved lunge pose helps stretch and tone many of the muscles involved in running and also helps build core muscles. The arrow lunge and other lunge exercises will also help athletes stretch muscles and build endurance.

Practicing conscious breathing and Pranayam also helps regulate breathing during long runs and other bouts of sustained activity.

Recovery after a run – the cat pose which involves being on hands and knees with the head dropped as well as the cow pose that involves raising the head up while on the hands and knees is recommended after a run. The legs up the wall pose is also very relaxing after sustained physical effort.