Are you breathing right?
If you’ve been breathing incorrectly, chances are your organs may not be oxygenated optimally and may not have been working to full capacity. Incorrect breathing techniques could cause several problems: the body may produce more stress hormones and the skin may appear pale and dull. Not breathing the right way could lead to low energy levels and feeling tired without having done much. Muscles may tire faster and restful sleep may be difficult to achieve.
Have you seen how babies breathe? Their whole chest expands and one can actually see the baby inhaling and exhaling. This type of breathing, with the entire chest while involving the diaphragm, is the right way to breathe. However, many of us breathe too shallowly and superficially without engaging the diaphragm. Our breathing can become even shallower when we are under stress or experiencing some emotional turmoil. Bad posture can contribute to incorrect breathing techniques: slumped over the phone or sitting at a desk all day every day is not conducive to healthy breathing techniques.
Some of us also tend to breathe incorrectly during exercise; in particular we tend not to exhale adequately and fully. We may be holding our breath or breathing too quickly, and may also be exhaling and inhaling at the incorrect time.
How to breathe the right way according to yoga
It is important to pay attention to the way we breathe not only when doing yoga but at other times as well: mindfully, deeply and correctly. Proper breathing techniques must involve the entire chest including the diaphragm while inhaling, to fill the lungs entirely with air. Similarly exhaling should also be complete and the lungs ought to be properly emptied out each time.
When you’re doing yoga, your instructor will direct you about the right way to breathe, at what time to take in and let out air at specific points during each aasan. Pranayam breathing techniques will further benefit you and the internal working of your body if done correctly. Your yoga instructor should be able to help you here as well.
As you are conscious of your breathing when performing yoga, you should also be mindful of breathing at other times. Once we learn the correct way of breathing, it will become a habit and second nature, constantly giving the body the benefits of optimal oxygenation. Over time you will notice that you are feeling more relaxed and less stressed. You may find that you have more energy now and that you are able to control high blood pressure naturally and effectively. Some people also find that they lose weight as a result of proper breathing techniques. So make proper breathing a priority. Start today!