Five Signs You Need to Meditate Now

The benefits of meditation cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have proved these. Therapists and counselors routinely include meditation in their therapy sessions. However let’s leave aside the research and the researchers for a while. Let us look within ourselves; examine our lives and the problems we face and then decide whether we need to meditate. Do you see or experience any of these in your life?


You’re tired all the time

If you don’t seem to have much energy for anything – work, leisure activities or spending time with family and friends, this is not a good sign. It could be that you don’t wake up feeling fully rested. It could be that you start to feel tired quite early in the workday and when you’re back home you don’t seem to have the inclination to do anything other than just plonk yourself down before the TV.

You feel a lot of anxiety, negativity

Mental exhaustion is the counterpart of physical exhaustion: it is that feeling of being overwhelmed and being unable to cope. You may find that you have feelings of dislike towards people for no particular reason. You frequently encounter negative situations in your life which fill you with worry and anxiety. Have you ever considered this – it may not be the situations but your attitude or your point of view that is negative? Perhaps you need to change your mindset? Perhaps you need to meditate to achieve that? Situations may not appear that negative after all.

You aren’t as focused or decisive as you used to be

Rather than any specific situation or experience, the warning sign could be a change of any kind. If you’ve been a generally even-keeled person with reasonable amounts of energy – competent at your job and able to take decisions – and find that this has changed in recent times, this could be a warning sign. This points to the fact that you’re not functioning at optimal levels. If you find that your focus, decision-making abilities and judgement is compromised, this could have serious outcomes. Your professional life may suffer. You may even find that you’re making more mistakes while driving, which could endanger your very life.

Frequent coughs and colds

You may find that you seem more prone to coughs, colds, or other major and minor infections. You may also find that you’re experiencing niggling aches and pains that keep troubling you. A stressed body and mind can mean weaker immunity and frequent infections. And a surefire way to counter stress is to meditate.

Your relationships are strained

Maybe you’re angry at your kids more often than before. You’re impatient with your spouse and you feel misunderstood and persecuted at work. This physical and mental exhaustion, feeling anxious and overwhelmed, the stress, are all putting a strain on your relationships; all signs that you need to meditate!

Meditation helps you calm down and lower stress in your life – physical and mental. It helps you introspect and become more mindful. You gain a clearer insight about the perceived problems in your life and can find solutions more easily. Meditation is seen to improve concentration and is also seen to strengthen the immune system. So why not try to meditate? You have nothing to lose – except stress, ill health, anxiety and exhaustion.