How Yoga Helps You ‘Lift Weights’

I sometimes hear people say that they go to the gym even though they have been practicing yoga. They believe that going to the gym where they can lift weights is necessary for resistance training. It may be news to some, but it is possible to perform yoga poses that effectively have the same impact on the body as weight training — using little except the body’s own weight. Yoga can, in fact, help you ‘lift weights’.

Resistance yoga

Now during the pandemic, it may be wise to continue to give the gym a miss, with its shared surfaces and enclosed spaces. By fine tuning your yoga practice it is possible to get many of the same benefits as weight training. Certain yoga poses are very effective in building muscle, which include:

Forearm Plank or Adho Mukha Svanasana – This is a great strength building exercise that uses nothing but the body’s own weight. The body’s weight rests on the forearms and toes, with the body raised from the floor at an angle, facing downward.

Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) – This involves the side of the foot and the forearm resting on the ground taking the body’s weight, with the other arm stretched up above the head. Again the body is at an angle to the ground, but sideways in this case. Hold this pose and then switch sides.  Doing these exercises will make you feel that burn in your muscles and even cause the muscles to tremble when they start to fatigue.

Dolphin Pose or Ardha Pincha Mayurasana – Here you make an inverted V with your body with the tips of the toes and the forearms resting on the ground and the hips raised up high. The face faces the toes. You will be able to feel the blood rushing to your face and will feel that burn in the arms and shoulders.

Tree Pose or Vrikshasana – Stand tall with one leg tucked up against the inner thigh of the other leg with the arms raised up above the head palms joined. Hold this pose and then switch sides. This is a great pose to improve balance and steadiness while also strengthening the leg muscles.

Bakasana or Crow pose – This is an advanced pose and should not be attempted without expert supervision. Here the entire weight of the body rests on the hands, which are the only part of the body in contact with the ground. The body is tucked up with the shins resting on the upper arms and the feet lifted up.

The L Handstand – This again can be tricky and beginners would be ill advised to try this pose. The hands rest on the ground and the body forms an inverted L with the feet resting on a wall or pillar or similar sturdy surface.

It is easy to see how these poses can create resistance to strengthen muscles. If required, yoga resistance bands can be used to increase the difficulty level of other yoga positions as well. The point here is that it is possible to strengthen muscles with the help of yoga. To find out more or to join our online or studio classes, get in touch.