Natural Ways to Treat Heartburn – Yoga to Treat Acidity

Heartburn or what we call acidity is a common issue for so many of us. It is that discomfort or burning sensation felt in the chest, stomach, neck and upper arm region. Most people may experience occasional or mild episodes, with increase seen during pregnancy or when on certain medications. Since acidity is so common, my students and others often ask me about specific yoga positions and aasans that will help control acidity. It is, in fact, quite possible to manage acidity and control it naturally by making some small lifestyle changes and practicing some specific yoga aasans.

Natural solutions for acidity

Discomfort from acidity happens when there is a gastric reflux, which is when the stomach acids travel up into the food pipe. Not only is this uncomfortable and painful, it is also seen to cause other problems and reduce quality of life. Having smaller, more frequent meals rather than large meals is seen to help. It also helps not to lie down immediately after a meal and to finish dinner several hours before going to bed. Also avoid tight clothing that could put pressure on the abdomen.

Reducing the amount of oil and spices in one’s diet will also help to control severity of acidity. Smoking and alcohol can also exacerbate the problem, which is something else to keep in mind. Ginger is a great natural solution for acidity – soup, tea, salad or a stir-fry are good ways to add more ginger to the diet. Adding more fiber/roughage to the diet is also seen to reduce severity of acidity.

Yoga poses to control acidity

Acidity can be exacerbated by stress, so doing meditation and using other relaxation techniques can help the overall situation. In addition, some of these poses help reduce severity and frequency of episodes.

Dhanurasan or the bow pose helps to massage the abdomen and the intestines, stimulating the digestive system. It helps to stimulate a digestive system that is sluggish and will improve the process of breakdown of food and elimination of waste.

Bhujangasan or the cobra pose also stretches and strengthens the abdominal muscles and digestive organs of the body. This aasan is also seen to improve overall immunity.

Makarasan or the crocodile pose is recommended by many orthopedics for good spinal health. It is also good for controlling acidity in my experience because of the way that it stimulates the abdomen and the digestive organs.

Paschimotanasan of the forward bend pose can also help to control acidity. This again stimulates the digestive processes and is also seen to ease menstrual pain in many cases.

Yoga mudra consists of certain hand gestures, pressing together of the finger tips and so on. It is a concept similar to acupressure. Yoga mudras enhances energy flow through the body, and some are also seen to aid digestion.

Abdominal breathing and Pranayama – In one study, abdominal breathing wasseen to help reduce acidity issues and also reduce reliance upon medications. Those who learned breathing exercises reduced frequency and dosages. We have also seen that Kapalbhati, Sheetali pranayama and Sheetkari pranayama are helpful in proper oxygenation of the body’s organs. These pranayama techniques help digestive organs function more efficiently and reduce instances of acidity.