Kriya Yoga: How to Perform & Benefits of Yogic Kriyas.

Sutra Neti Kriya
We often hear the term Yogic Kriya or Kriya Yoga – this is often mistaken to be just another form of yoga postures or aasans developed by prominent yoga gurus, but this is not so. Yoga Kriya refers to a centuries old system comprised of physical and spiritual systems of kriya or action, not necessarily aasans or physical exercises. Today, let us explore what is kriyas in yoga,...
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What Do We Understand by Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga is a somewhat more recent interpretation of the yogic system and its practice. Several great yogis explained and revealed this concept during the 19th and 20th centuries; a concept that in turn draws on the ancient texts of the Yoga Sutras of the Patanjali. The system of Kriya Yoga refers to a set of directions and ‘kriyas’ that help to enhance our spiritual developm...
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